AbleCommerce version 9.0.9 - build 7654 Date of Release: October 10th, 2023. ----------------------------------------------------------\ Upgrade from AbleCommerce 9.0.8 (build 7434) to 9.0.9 (build 7654) - Access to the server running AbleCommerce will be required. - This download will upgrade AbleCommerce only. - A valid subscription license is required; ends on or after 10/10/2023 ----------------------------------------------------------\ ### Installation Instructions ### TO INSTALL THE UPGRADE: **********************************************************\ 1. Extract contents to a temporary location on the server. \Lib\ --> files in this location are provided to developers; do not install these to the server. \Website\ --> files and folders located here are installed to the website. 2. Backup the website and database to a separate location. 3. Stop the website using IIS. 4. Copy everything from \Website\ to the actual website root folder, matching folders and file locations. 5. Restart the website using IIS. 6. Login to the Merchant Admin so that any database changes will be AUTOMATICALLY applied. Note: There are database schema updates for this release. For reference, these are noted at the bottom of this document. ----------------------------------------------------------\ ### Post-Upgrade Instructions ### This release does not require any post-upgrade steps. ----------------------------------------------------------\ END OF UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------\ ======== FOR REFERENCE - DATABASE UPDATES ============ --<[ac_OrderStatuses]> -- -- ADD COLUMN 'ColorCode' on table [ac_OrderStatuses] -- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'ac_OrderStatuses' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'ColorCode') BEGIN ALTER TABLE [ac_OrderStatuses] ADD [ColorCode] NVARCHAR (7) NULL END