You have an e-commerce store,  but you’re finding that site analytics aren’t where they should be.   If your conversion rate isn’t up to par, you could be making some  mistakes on your site that are costing you valuable sales and customers.   Let’s look at some e-commerce errors that you should avoid or fix  on your website.

1.  Homepage Doesn’t Reflect Your Products

Look at your homepage for a few seconds and pretend to be a customer.   Then look away and ask yourself, “What does that website offer  me?”  Honestly try to answer this question and if you’re having  trouble telling what your site is about after a short glance, then your  homepage isn’t doing its job.  People should be able to quickly  eyeball your homepage and know what it is your site offers.  If  people can’t tell what your site is about, they will leave.  First  impressions are that important, so make your homepage targeted.

2. Call To Action Is Absent Or Unclear

Customers want quick and easy action.  They don’t want to waste  time and expect businesses to tell them how to purchase things.   What is your call to action?  If your buy now button isn’t  big and directly in view, then chances are it’s being missed by  customers.  It’s essential to have a buy now button and ensure that  it’s highlighted on your site.  If not, customers won’t know what  to do and they’ll wander off your site.

3.  Prices Aren’t Listed

Don’t worry about listing your prices—this is a business and people  are here for that reason.  Customers aren’t going to think anything  of it if you list your prices clearly in view.  In fact, they will  appreciate the upfront aspect of this because it makes things easier on  them.  Trying to be discreet with your prices often just make  customers wary and confused.  They start worrying that hidden fees  will be tacked on later or that you’re trying to hide something.   So list prices where people can easily see them.

4. No Symbols Of Trust

Scams are common on the Internet and people are always watching out  for them.  Sites that invoke trust are the ones that get business  and conversions.  No one is going to hand out financial information  to a site that looks unprofessional.  It’s important for your site  to look legitimate, so list any symbols of trust on your store’s pages,  like reviews and testimonials from previous customers.  You could  also list awards your store has received, business licenses, or other  appropriate symbols of merit.  And don’t hide these symbols of  trust on your about or purchase pages—put them in plain sight on the  homepage or sidebar.

Try to look at your site using a potential customer’s perspective.   Is your site clear and elegant in its design?  Fix any  mistakes on your site and keep things as simple as possible for your  visitors to find directly what they want.  If you need any help  with your online store, don’t hesitate to contact us.  We’d be happy to serve you!