Are you frustrated by the number of people who come to your website, browse your offerings, put things in their cart and then click away before completing the transaction?

This is one of the biggest challenges for the e-commerce marketer.

With some studies suggesting shopping cart abandonment could be as high as 75%...

...  Even recovering a few of those who have clicked away could dramatically help you in increasing ecommerce conversion ratio's ...

... And, it’s one of the most difficult things to troubleshoot.

Here are 5 tips to help decrease your shopping cart abandonment rate.

Tip #1: Make sure your site is easy to use

When customers feel like the checkout process is confusing or they are unsure if they are doing it right, they are more likely to abandon their cart. Some things that help include:

  • indicate where they are in the process: i.e., Step 1 of 4
  • Make sure the buttons are easy to find
  • if you require credit card security codes, help them find it on their card

Tip #2: Don’t get in the way of ordering more

If a shopper adds an item to their cart and has not yet finished shopping, many will click away if they can’t easily get back to where they were. Making a shopper start a new search is an open invitation for them to click away.

Tip #3: Use thumbnails on the checkout page

Many buyers will go all the way through the registration process and stop just before giving their credit card. As the person is deciding whether they should buy the items in their cart of click away, being able to see pictures of the items they are thinking about helps a person go from clicking away to, “ok, here’s my credit card.”

Tip #4: Allow a guest check-out option

Some people will abandon their cart if registration is required. Unless you absolutely must have people register, allowing people to check out as a guest could bring in a few more sales.

Tip #5: Leave items in the cart for a period of time

A person may return to a site after clicking away. While it doesn’t happen as often as you would like, they are far more likely to buy if the items they had previously selected are still there than they would be if they had to search for them again.

Remember, a shopper who has put an item in their cart is interested. By following some of these easy tips, you should be able to convert a few more of the interested into buyers.

For more useful suggestions or if you have questions regarding our shopping cart solutions, please contact us.